All you need to know about .NET Multi-platform App UI

Today we are talking about Microsoft .NET MAUI. As we all know millions of developer business owners choose .NET because the platform brings .NET Core and Mono/Xamarin development together in one base class library (BCL) and toolchain (SDK). we consider what are we creating applications that will look like in awesome .NET, we see many devices across multiple platforms used, from Android and iOS to Windows and macOS.
What is .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI is a development of the inexorably well-known Xamarin.Forms toolbox that turns 6 years of age this month .NET to control their organizations; some since the earliest reference point. It has likewise been effective in helping private ventures expand their improvement speculation sharing as much as 95% of their code, and beating their rivals to showcase.
In .NET MAUI the decisions are accessible for .NET development and designers, which permits you a solitary stack that bolsters Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. The main features of every stage and UI control are close enough in a basic and cross-stage API.
Single Project Developer Experience
Each and every developer has one question about the project system so, .NET MAUI permits the project structure into an individual project to focus on different stages. You can without much of a stretch send to any objective that you wish including your desktop, emulators, test systems, or physical device with a single click. For detailed information kindly please check this post.

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